Sendmail use “access” database to control who can use this email server to send email out. It’s easy, just edit this file /etc/mail/access   , but access is a database file, after you edit it you need to recreate database map makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access   Put your control list in the at the end of the file: [email protected] REJECT REJECT TLD REJECT 192.168.0 RELAY 192.168.1 OK   REJECT: reject all email from that source RELAY: allow that IP range to use our server as a relay. OK: allow to send any email even though it’s blocked in some other rules.Read More →

I used to put this content in my .htaccess to treat .html as php file, but some how it’s no longer working in godaddy. AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html AddHandler x-httpd-php .htm .html I found a solution, use the below text: Options +ExecCGI AddHandler x-httpd-php5-cgi .html  Read More →

In my experience, we need to migrate to 1.7 first in order to move all attachments  from file system to database , if you go directly from 1.6 to 1.10 , attachment might be missing. We need to run the following queries before to fix some issues with database: ALTER TABLE `supportedf_help_topic` ADD INDEX(`topic`); ALTER TABLE `supportedf_department` ADD INDEX(`dept_name`); If you have duplicate topic you might need to clear the topic first TRUNCATE supportedf_help_topic;Read More →