I used to put this content in my .htaccess to treat .html as php file, but some how it’s no longer working in godaddy. AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html AddHandler x-httpd-php .htm .html I found a solution, use the below text: Options +ExecCGI AddHandler x-httpd-php5-cgi .html  Read More →

In my experience, we need to migrate to 1.7 first in order to move all attachments  from file system to database , if you go directly from 1.6 to 1.10 , attachment might be missing. We need to run the following queries before to fix some issues with database: ALTER TABLE `supportedf_help_topic` ADD INDEX(`topic`); ALTER TABLE `supportedf_department` ADD INDEX(`dept_name`); If you have duplicate topic you might need to clear the topic first TRUNCATE supportedf_help_topic;Read More →

Flickr is a very popular web hosting service used by many people to store photos and videos, as well as share them with others. However, it is not particularly easy to upload entire photo collections, unless you find the right application to help you out. Flickr Uploader is a fairly simple utility that can send all your photos and videos to a Flickr account automatically, and is also capable of creating albums based on folder names. Easy-to-use tool that allows you to start uploading in seconds First and foremost, you need to select the folder you wish to backup and specify whether or not both photosRead More →

For some reason, when Vigor with Firmware 3.2 , it doesn’t work well with Palo Alto PA500 , especially Yahoo. When Palo Alto make the request with cookies > 1000 characters, Vigor will not return the result. In this interesting issue, if you use WIndows , you don’t see the problems, install a Ubuntu , you can replicate the issue. The solution is to upgrade firmware to 3.3Read More →

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(file|member|photo) [NC] RewriteRule . /index.php [L] RewriteRule ^member/([0-9]+)/ /member_profile.php?m=$1 RewriteRule ^file/([0-9]+)/(.+)? /file.php?f=$1 RewriteRule ^photo/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.+)? /file.php?type=$1&ref_id=$2&photo=1Read More →

A user came to me with this laptop, he said his powerpoint is not working, when he open an existing powerpoint, it’s very slow to load that powerpoint. I tried all my troubleshootings, clear MS office Temp files, remove add-ins , repair , re-install MS Office, but it still didn’t work. My last try was to create a new windows profile for him, and it worked perfectly. So, my thought is: if user is having problem with Office, creating a new profile for him/her is the best way. It might take more time, but it should work.Read More →

If you are looking for a good software to recover files, this is a good software: DMDE – DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software http://dmde.com/ I have successfully recover many disks having problem with its file system. I can recover NTFS , EXT3/4 on linux.Read More →

It’s because they use 2 different SSL certificates , there are 3 common certificates that we are now using now DV ( Domain Validation ) is the most common one, it’s very cheap, easy to order. The CA will verify your domain, make sure that you are the owner of that domain by sending a verification email to your admin email contact on whois record or some other method. OV (Organization Validation) – is mostly for corporate , the CA will not only verify you are the owner of the domain, they also ask you some paper to verify your business address. EV (Extended validation)Read More →